Revenue Share Model (TBA)

Earn rewards from our success just by holding $UNREAL

By holding $UNREAL tokens, you can earn a share of the platform's revenue, ensuring that the success of Unreal AI directly benefits its most committed supporters. Our Revenue Share Model is designed to continuously reward holders as the platform grows and evolves.

Key Revenue Sources:

  1. 1% of Transaction Taxes: From every $UNREAL transaction, 1% of the 3% transaction tax is allocated to the Revenue Share Pool, which is distributed among eligible holders.

  2. 10% of Marketplace Operations: A portion of the revenue generated from our AI Marketplace—which includes services such as AI training, video rendering, and cloud mining - is added to the Revenue Share Pool.

Eligibility Criteria:

To participate in the Revenue Share Program, you must hold at least 1,000 $UNREAL tokens. This threshold applies to your combined balance of staked tokens and tokens held in your wallet, meaning both will count toward eligibility. Holding 1,000 tokens or more makes you eligible to receive your share of the generated revenue.

Key Points to Note:

  • Staked and Wallet Balances Cumulative: Your total token balance for revenue share eligibility includes both staked tokens and tokens held in your wallet. This gives you flexibility, whether you’re staking for rewards or simply holding $UNREAL.

  • Reward Distribution: Rewards are collected over time and will be distributed based on your token holdings. The more tokens you hold or stake, the larger your share of the rewards pool.

Revenue Share dApp: Coming Soon

We are in the final stages of developing the Revenue Share dApp, where eligible $UNREAL holders will be able to check their earned rewards and claim them directly. The dApp will be user-friendly, offering seamless functionality to track your rewards and claim them with ease.

Stay tuned for the official launch of the Revenue Share dApp and further updates on the AI Marketplace. As always, we appreciate the commitment of our community, and this revenue model is just one of the ways we aim to give back to our loyal supporters.

Last updated